
  • Is A Cooperative Divorce Better Than A Collaborative One?

    The laws surrounding family issues and divorce keep evolving. For example, in the past, contested divorce was the norm. However, people are embracing other options that save them time and are less stressful. A good example is collaborative divorce which has been around for a while, and more people are trying it. As such, you could be thinking about it if you want to separate from your spouse but don't want the conflict that comes with the contested process. [Read More]

  • Going Through A High-Net-Worth Divorce Proceeding

    Any type of divorce proceeding can be immensely challenging for a person to navigate through. However, high-net-worth divorce proceedings can be especially challenging due to the number and value of the assets that may be involved. Have Major Assets Appraised During a high-net-worth divorce proceeding, it is important to have an informed estimated value of the major assets from the marriage. Not surprisingly, individuals may not have accurate figures for some of the assets that they may own. [Read More]

  • Common Questions About Living Trusts

    Living trusts have a variety of benefits. You may think the only goal of a living trust is to avoid probate, but you can also set up asset management for minor children, provide another person with control of your assets in the event you become unable to do so, and name your beneficiaries. Here are some things to consider as you set up a living trust: Which Type of Living Trust Do You Need? [Read More]

  • Child Custody and Choosing a Parenting Plan

    Divorcing parents need information about their parenting choices. The below child custody plans are just a sample of the many available. If you don't see a child custody plan that suits both of you, you can make your own plan. Read on and choose your child custody plan by reviewing the plans that many couples choose. Legal and Physical Custody Before getting into the custody plans, become familiar with the terms: [Read More]

  • What Is Parental Alienation?

    Many parents assume the bond they have with their children is unbreakable. Sadly, this is not always true, especially when one—or both—parents become victims of parental alienation. Learn more about this painful issue below, and find out when it's time to enlist the help of a family law attorney. What Is Parental Alienation? Parental alienation is a family law issue that occurs when one parent attempts to damage the relationship between their child and the other parent. [Read More]

  • Benefits Of Hiring A Workers Compensation Lawyer For Your Business

    Work-related injuries like slips, falls, and health problems due to exposure to workplace chemicals may occur. As a company owner, you may be liable for the injuries, and you may pay for the injured victim's treatment. Nonetheless, you want to keep your business expenses as low as possible. Therefore, consider buying workers compensation insurance to protect your workers. Additionally, hire a workers compensation lawyer to gain these benefits. Denied Claims Appeal [Read More]

  • Why Felony DUI Cases Are Too Complicated To Handle Without An Attorney

    A DUI is always a difficult case to handle, but you will especially find it complicated if you need to deal with a DUI that involves a felony. For this reason, you'll want to speak with a DUI attorney about your case and they will be able to help guide you through it.  The Initial Consultation is Free If you are concerned about the cost of hiring a DUI attorney, it's important to keep in mind that most DUI attorneys will provide you with a free consultation. [Read More]

  • Common Causes Of A False Positive During A Breathalyzer Test

    A breathalyzer test is one of the most common ways in which a police officer may determine whether you are under the influence of alcohol. However, breathalyzer tests are not always accurate. But regardless of the accuracy, you may still face criminal penalties for the results of a breathalyzer test if you do not seek help from a DUI attorney. Mouthwash Can Cause a False Positive The breathalyzer test will attempt to detect alcohol in your breath to calculate how much alcohol is in your blood. [Read More]

  • What To Consider When Selecting A Personal Injury Lawyer

    After an accident, it may take time before the extent of your injuries come to light. However, no matter what kind of accident led to the injury, the ill effects may be felt for a long time and can impact your ability to work and go about your daily life. If someone else's negligence has done you harm, filing a personal injury claim may be something you will want to consider. [Read More]

  • Why Performing A Citizen's Arrest Is Risky

    A citizen's arrest is a type of arrest that can be carried out by an individual who is not a law enforcement officer. There are limitations to what a citizen can do when carrying out an arrest, and it is often not a good idea to carry out a citizen's arrest even if you believe that you could potentially be justified. If carried out improperly, you might be charged with kidnapping or assault. [Read More]