Why Felony DUI Cases Are Too Complicated To Handle Without An Attorney

Posted on: 14 April 2022

A DUI is always a difficult case to handle, but you will especially find it complicated if you need to deal with a DUI that involves a felony. For this reason, you'll want to speak with a DUI attorney about your case and they will be able to help guide you through it. 

The Initial Consultation is Free

If you are concerned about the cost of hiring a DUI attorney, it's important to keep in mind that most DUI attorneys will provide you with a free consultation. Then, you can decide whether you should commit to hiring the attorney and decide whether you want to fight your charges or enter a plea deal.

DUI Cases Require Advanced Knowledge

While you are allowed to defend yourself in court without a lawyer, the knowledge you will need to effectively defend yourself will likely go beyond what an individual would normally have. For example, you might not know about the various rights you have during a DUI stop, or about the ways that different DUI tests can go wrong. 

An Attorney Can Often Negotiate a Better Plea Deal

Trials can be very expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, you may be offered a plea deal so that your case doesn't have to go to trial. For example, rather than being found guilty of a DUI, you might agree to plea guilty to a "wet reckless" charge. However, a DUI attorney is much better able to negotiate a better plea deal because of the relationship that an attorney may have with the judge.

Plea Deals are Not Always a Good Idea

However, accepting a plea deal doesn't make sense if there is a good chance that you will win your case in court. If your attorney is convinced that you will be able to beat your DU charge, you will not have a felony on your record and will not have to suffer any of the other consequences of being found guilty of a DUI.

Your Attorney Might Help You Beat Your Charge

To be found guilty in a criminal case, the standard of proof is much higher than in a civil case. you must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. For example, if your attorney is able to cast doubt on the reliability of the breathalyzer test that was used as a justification to arrest you, this might be enough to win your case.
